Some people are just naturally jealous. If your ex boyfriend falls into that category, you may have a difficult time getting him to trust you again. Nothing you do will ever be good enough for him and he’ll constantly be suspicious of your every move. If you have been in a relationship with someone like this, it can be tough to know how to deal with their jealousy. Some people are able to shrug it off and move on, but others find themselves struggling to keep the peace. If you’re stuck in a situation like this, here are 10 tips for dealing with a jealous ex-boyfriend.

1. Don’t try to reason with him
There’s no point in trying to reason with a jealous ex-boyfriend. He’s not going to listen to anything you have to say. He’s only going to be interested in his own feelings and insecurities. If you try to reason with him, you’ll only end up getting frustrated. When he’s feeling jealous, the best thing you can do is simply walk away. By doing this, you’ll avoid getting into a heated argument and you’ll also be showing him that you’re not going to put up with his jealous behavior.
2. Don’t try to reassure him
A jealous ex-boyfriend is never going to be reassured, no matter what you say or do. He’s always going to doubt your motives. If you try to reassure him, you’re only going to make things worse. He’s not going to believe you anyway, so there’s no point in wasting your breath.
3. Don’t give in to his demands
A jealous ex-boyfriend is often going to demand things from you that are impossible to give. He may want you to stop talking to certain friends or he may want you to change your schedule so that he can keep an eye on you. If you give in to his demands, you’re only going to make things worse. He’s not going to be happy with anything you do, so it’s best to just say no.
4. Avoid him if possible
If you can, it’s best to avoid your jealous ex-boyfriend altogether. He’s only going to make your life more difficult. The less contact you have with him, the better. If you do have to see him, try to keep the conversations short and to the point. Don’t give him any information that he can use against you.
5. Set boundaries with him
It’s important to set boundaries with a jealous ex-boyfriend. You need to make it clear to him that there are certain things that you’re not going to tolerate. For example, you might want to tell him that he’s not allowed to contact you outside of specific times or that he’s not allowed to show up unannounced at your house. It’s important to be firm with him and to stick to your boundaries. If he doesn’t respect your boundaries, it’s time to move on.
6. Don’t engage in arguments with him
Jealous ex-boyfriends often try to start arguments with their former partners. They do this in an attempt to get a rise out of you or to make you feel guilty. If you find yourself in an argument with him, it’s important to stay calm and not engage. The best thing you can do is simply walk away. By doing this, you’ll avoid getting drawn into a fight and you’ll also be showing him that you’re not going to tolerate his behavior.
7. Keep your cool
It can be difficult to keep your cool when you’re dealing with a jealous ex-boyfriend. But it’s important to remember that getting angry is only going to make things worse. If you lose your temper, you’re only going to give him more ammunition to use against you. It’s important to stay calm and not let him see that he’s getting to you. For example, if he starts making accusations, you can simply say that you’re not going to dignify them with a response. By doing so, you’ll be diffusing the situation and you’ll also be showing him that his behavior is not acceptable.
8. Don’t play into his games
Jealous ex-boyfriends often try to play mind games with their former partners. They might try to make you feel guilty or they might try to gaslight you. It’s important not to fall for their games. Don’t let them manipulate you into feeling guilty or into doubting yourself. If you find yourself in a situation where you’re not sure what to believe, it’s always best to err on the side of caution and to take things at face value.
9. Seek support from friends and family
Dealing with a jealous ex-boyfriend can be difficult. It’s important to seek support from friends and family. They can provide you with the emotional support that you need to get through this tough time. Additionally, they can help you to see things from a different perspective. Sometimes, it’s helpful to talk to someone who isn’t directly involved in the situation.
10. Seek professional help
If you’re struggling to deal with a jealous ex-boyfriend, it’s important to seek professional help. A therapist can help you to understand your feelings and to develop a plan for dealing with the situation. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, it’s also important to seek professional help. Jealousy can be a difficult emotion to deal with and it’s important to get help if you’re struggling. When seeking professional help, it’s important to find a therapist who specializes in jealousy and relationships. You can also consult expert psychics or life coach who can guide you in dealing with jealous ex-boyfriend.
In love and relationships, jealousy can be a normal emotion. However, when jealousy becomes excessive, it can be damaging to both parties involved. If you’re dealing with a jealous ex-boyfriend, it’s important to take action in order to protect yourself. The first step is to set boundaries with him. It’s important to be firm and to stick to your boundaries. If he doesn’t respect your boundaries, it’s time to move on. Additionally, you should avoid engaging in arguments with him and you should keep your cool. Additionally, it’s important not to play into his games and to seek support from friends and family. If you’re struggling to deal with the situation, it’s important to seek professional help.